Today I harvested what will probably be the last of this season’s basil. I carefully washed and dried the leaves, and they now wait for me to transform them into pesto for the freezer. The scent of basil has become the day’s perfume, both on my hands and in my house. I am drowning in its aromas…and I mean that in a great way!
It is funny how I never used to like the taste of basil. But then suddenly, one day…I did. And it became an obsession. It is the first thing I plant in the Spring as I dream of ripe red tomatoes and creamy mozzarella. I use it in everything, including drinks. Have you ever had a Gin and Tonic with a few sprigs of basil? Divine!
My Basil-Lemon simple syrup gets used in all sorts of creations as well. It makes a refreshing lemonade, and it also can be made into an ‘adult’ beverage with the simple addition of either vodka or gin and some fresh lemon juice. So many possibilities…
Nothing beats the taste of a summer-kissed corn, cucumber and tomato salad with torn leaves of basil gently folded into it, then drizzled with an olive oil dressing. Unless some avocado was added. And perhaps some red onion. Sigh…
I’m sure I will contemplate next year’s basil crop as I chop and mince and grate and mix all my ingredients, transforming them into a magical pesto. I will reminisce about the meals I’ve had and dream of the meals yet to come each time I use it.
I don’t have a recipe. I start with the basil, then add in the other ingredients (pine nuts, parmigiano-reggiano, garlic and olive oil) in whatever proportions my taste buds dictate. I will keep mixing and adding and tasting until I deem it to be just right, both in flavorĀ and texture. At the end of the day I will have basil and garlic emanating from my pores.