About Cleansed Palate

Cleansed Palate founder and author


Cleansed Palate is a community focused on sharing stories, successes, struggles, adventures, resources and experiences we all face along the journey of life. We’re glad you’ve stopped by!

I began this blog as a way to connect my personal life stories with the food and recipes that seemed to go hand-in-hand with them. The idea that I could essentially create a history of shared experiences and resources – a reference for my sons as they get older and have children of their own (sort of family history if you will) – was exciting to me. I also secretly hoped Cleansed Palate would develop into a community that others would find; a place they could join and share their own life stories; a place to connect and find kindred spirits; a place to have exchanges of ideas and solutions; trials and successes…both in food and in everyday life. This is the heart and soul of Cleansed Palate…So happy you found us!

Finding Your Way Around

As you move through the site you’ll find that we’ve organized content by the following topics. Read on to learn more about the information, resources and experiences that make each unique.

Around The Kitchen Table

Life and the topics that impact each and every one of us in some way. Stories and topics from around the globe that inspire, engage, excite and sometimes enrage. The idea is to discuss in an adult manner…exchange ideas, thoughts, etc. To give a voice in a positive way without bullying or demeaning. What is generating discussion around your table?


You will find recipes here that come from all over. Some I have dreamt up, others are favorites from various sites and cookbooks I have discovered. Creating meals is one way I show my love for my friends and family…it’s my way to give back to my loved ones and show them how important they are to me. When I get behind the knife and begin prepping something gets unleashed in me. I am in my happy place, conjuring up all sorts of good stuff!


Traveling is one vessel to understand cultures different than our own…a way to view those cultures in action, to eat their everyday foods, to talk with locals about their customs and beliefs and passions. I love to travel and have been fortunate to experience many amazing places in our world.

I cannot always (or often) physically travel to a specific location, so sometimes I research places I’d like to visit…to learn about their history and foods and traditions; preparing myself for future travel opportunities. And then I “travel” through my cooking, preparing meals typical of the culture I have been researching. To me, it’s the next best thing!

Kitchen Tips

Just because I love to spend time in my kitchen doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a great shortcut! I utilize many tips which maximize my efficiency as I work, allowing me to throw in that extra pie (or 8) at Thanksgiving. 🙂


Traditions – old and new – are often honored in our house. Heck, sometimes we even create our own! The spirituality of breaking bread together is sacred to me, and I love any excuse to celebrate and connect with others. Life itself is a celebration…or as the Italians say, “La dolce vita!” (the sweet life). How amazing it is to celebrate that sweet life and those things which have brought us to the place we are in the world.

Giving Back

It has always been important to me to give back. Giving back can take many forms. While it can be financial, it does not need to be. What is important is to help however you are able. This could mean volunteering your time, donating needed items, or even passing along someone’s info to another in more of a position to help when you cannot do so. Sometimes all we can do is offer up prayers and healing thoughts. I plan to forward on information here when I find causes I think are worthy of a second look. I welcome you to share information, too…you never know who it might help!

Please share with your friends, thank you!