Pie Night approaches!
It is a part of my month that makes me happy. I mean, it’s pie! I’m feeling a tad anxious because I usually have my pie crusts – all 14 (give or take a few) – made and in the freezer by now. Not so this year. Therefore, I have deemed today: Pie Crust Day…it’s really not a bad way to spend the day if you ask me.
“It could be argued that there is an element of entertainment in every pie, as every pie is inherently a surprise by virtue of its crust.” ― Janet Clarkson, Pie: A Global History
So what have I been up to instead of making pie dough? Glad you asked! I baked several types of rolls and put them in the freezer for Thanksgiving. There is homemade sourdough for my stuffing and sourdough waffles (for breakfasts) in there, too. My stocks (vegetable and turkey) have joined the freezer party. Later today, so will my pie crusts. My house looks fall festive, and I even have my dining room table centerpiece finished. I’m not doing fresh flowers this year…changing it up with some gourds and candles and leaves instead. So although I do not have crusts stowed away, I am ahead of schedule in other ways.
In addition to that I have been organizing up a storm! Pantry, drawers, cabinets…you name it. NOT making pie crusts was the price I paid for cleaned out freezers and fridges, now ready to hold those turkeys, rolls, stock and the as yet unmade pie crusts. My pantry was a task that had been hanging over my head since we began our stint in St. Thomas a little over three years ago. Ah, there are so many small projects around here that built up while we were livin’ the island life. I am gradually catching up with it all. Baby steps…
Oh, and that backyard project (remember the one we started in JUNE?! The one that was only supposed to take about 4 weeks? That project?) is finally complete minus a few minor details which are being handled this morning. Yay!
The backyard needed some Love, so I added a bit of power-washing the pool decking and furniture and cushions to the mix. And while doing all that I realized it was missing something. So I planted violas and kale to help bring life – and color – into the backyard. I must say, I am very pleased…it really looks nice!!! My husband and I still need to put the furniture back in its place and hang some lights (shh, I haven’t told him that part about the lights yet…our little secret, ok?), but I am feeling pretty good about how it has all turned out.
More Projects…
And speaking of finished work, exactly what does one do when one finishes a huge project-that-took-longer-than-anticipated-by-almost-5-months? I don’t know about anyone else, but we began ANOTHER project. Also in the yard, but the side yard this time. Yes, I really am that crazy (you thought it was only because I make 14 pies at Thanksgiving. Ha! I showed you!!). However, this one is much smaller. It should be finished by the end of this week. We are installing a new patio, which is where we are planning to move our gas grill and Big Green Egg. It will be a much more convenient location. The new patio will also give us a little extra room on Pie Night. It has been warmer than usual for this time of year, so I imagine some of the crowd will want to be outside that night.
So there you have a peek inside my past week and the beginning of this one. All this advance preparation helps alleviate some of the chaos of the Big Meal. It’s worth it if it helps me slow down and enjoy my family and friends during the holiday itself. I’d rather be in a frenzy now to avoid a bit of frenzy later. Oh, don’t fret…there will be frenzy for sure! Plenty to go around for everyone. Just, hopefully, not as much as there could be. 🙂