Avocado or Avocadon’t? That is the Question!

If you have nothing but love for your avocados, and you take joy in turning them into guacamole, all you need is someone to share it with. ~ Jason Mraz

I love avocados. They stay close at hand in my kitchen; they have many uses. Slices garnish my eggs at breakfast (I’m more of a savory-food-for-breakfast gal than sweet); they are often found in my fresh summer salads. Nothing beats homemade guacamole, which I often prepare in my molcajete. Sometimes I just sprinkle on a smidge of salt and scoop it straight out of the skin. Then there is the ‘BLTA’ sandwich: Continue reading

The Art of Releasing


“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”
~Lao Tzu

August has arrived!

My backyard is currently a huge mess…my house was, until recently, in a state of ‘semi-mess’. I have guests visiting from out of town (my backyard was NOT ready before they arrived; my house was – barely), and I am tired. July was such a wonderfully crazy, chaotic, busy month. I achieved every goal I set for myself. I reveled in it…was so proud of myself.

Suddenly Continue reading

VINAIGRETTE: Because a Well-Dressed Salad is a Beautiful Thing!

A basic salad dressing is so easy to make and costs so much less than store-bought versions. You get the added benefit of knowing what went into it.

This is less a recipe and more a technique. I really don’t have a set in stone recipe for my salad dressings. My base ingredients are a good olive oil, red wine vinegar, mustard, garlic and herbs. I play with proportions, but I would say I use generally 2-3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar. I do the rest Continue reading