Throw together meal…

Last night I did not feel like going to the grocery store, and I also did not have a whole lot going on in my fridge/pantry…I gave the last of the leftovers to my son, then took inventory of what I did have to make a complete and healthy meal. This is what I came up with: whole wheat penne pasta, frozen broccoli, raisins (organic), lemons, walnuts. So I cooked my penne pasta, then added the broccoli (which I had cooked while waiting for the pasta), raisins (which I added to the broccoli during the final seconds of cooking to plump), olive oil, lemon zest, red pepper flakes, walnuts (which I roasted on top of the stove, adding balsamic vinegar and salt at the end), and a grating of parmesan cheese to finish. If I do say so myself, the results were outstanding. I had 3/4 of a bottle of wine left in the fridge from the previous night’s meal, so I poured myself a glass and feasted away on my new creation. It was quick, easy, healthy and inexpensive. Love that!!!

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