Decorating in the Dark…Adventures in Baking!





We had a lovely Easter…lots of good food over the weekend! This weekend provided me with three valuable insights:

  1. Our household does not go through very many batteries at all.
  2. Replacing the dead batteries in your flashlight with the ‘on-hand, just-in-case-of-emergency’ batteries circa 2002 is NOT a good idea.
  3. I can decorate a cake in the dark.

Living in TX this time of year brings a lot of uncertainty with the weather, and this past weekend proved that! We have had the craziest storms here lately. My heart goes out to everyone who has been affected by these terrible storms. We have been very fortunate and have avoided any damage…Saturday evening – the night before Easter – yet another storm was in the process of blowing through town. I made sure to get my traditional Easter coconut cake in the oven so it wouldn’t get caught being half-baked in an electrical outage. Smart move! What I didn’t anticipate was the lights going out just as I held the cake up to begin decorating it. Around 11PM I finally had everything ready and lined up to assemble the cake. It was being supported in my left hand while I used my right hand to ice it. The wind was a-howling…and suddenly the house went dark…and quiet (ok, that part was nice). My husband quickly grabbed his cell phone and held it up so I could have a little light. He ended up going for the flashlight, the one that actually worked, although I had it pretty much iced and covered in coconut by then.

I must say, I had no idea how good or bad the final product turned out until the next day when I opened the fridge to see a beautiful coconut cake peeking out at me from the refrigerator [see cake above]. And the taste was just a delicious as ever!

Please share with your friends, thank you!

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