For this week’s menu I decided that I would use food I have on hand, supplemented with a few items from the grocery store, to find creative ways to use up any food stored in my freezer and pantry. Last night I made lamb, and the night before that: pumpkin soup. Tonight I am thawing some brats, which I will then gently simmer with beer (usually Guinness) and onion. In warmer weather I finish them off with a quick sear on the grill, but it is freezing out, and since I want to wash as few dishes as possible I will leave it at the beer bath tonight. I will serve them in a wheat bun with some mustard and maybe a bit of horseradish, leftover mashed potatoes on the side. Tomorrow I plan to use up some shrimp I have stored in the freezer. I will saute them with diced tomatoes and olives and perhaps spinach, then toss all of that with some whole-wheat penne pasta. It is so much easier to prepare healthy meals when you have a menu planned. For me, much of the battle is deciding what to make, which is harder due to the fact I have such a variety of food preferences under one roof.