Baby Steps: Small Acts…Big Results

baby steps

Baby Steps

In my last post I mentioned the organizing I’ve been up to in my kitchen. I am a fairly organized person anyway, so it rarely gets too out of control here. When it does it’s more of a paperwork thing than anything else. Usually. However, sometimes things do pile up. When that happens I’ve learned it’s best to tackle those piles one small step at a time. Baby steps.

It used to overwhelm me when we’d have parties or get-togethers and the counters would be overflowing with dirty dishes and spills and crumbs. I loved having friends gather here, but hated the clean up that followed.

A Simpler Approach

Sometime in the early 2000’s I discovered Continue reading

Organized Fun: My Happy Space

organized pantry

A New Year, an Organized Pantry

Not sure what it is about January that makes me want to get organized, but I have been in that mode since we returned from our [very long!] drive the other day. I began by cleaning out my kitchen fridge that very morning. Today I started to de-clutter my pantry and cabinets. My son is home on his break from college, and we have been going through items I can hand down to him from my kitchen. In the process I am creating space. I should Continue reading