The Ultimate Blog Challenge is back!
The Ultimate Blog Challenge runs every 3 months, and January is the latest one. I have committed to write 31 posts in 31 days for the entire month. With the holidays fondly behind us, I am eager to jump in and get started!
You might remember that I first participated in this challenge this past July. It’s been around for some time; however, I had not learned of it before then. It really helped jump start my blog writing, so I decided to sign up this month and am planning to rev things up once again. I am curious to see what other things I am able do with my blog…what new ideas I’ll pick up from this month’s challenge and where I can take them.
I’m not sure what new adventures this month will bring, but I welcome new [and old] readers to travel along. And I invite you to offer any insights, comments, and questions you might have.
Oh, and it’s January 1st so Happy New Year! Hope you all enjoyed a safe, happy and healthy holiday season!