Stocking Up for the Holidays – Stock Two Ways

vegetables for stock
The vegetables for my vegetable stock pre dicing and slicing

On Monday my entire house smelled like Thanksgiving! There were not one, but two  stocks simmering away on my stove for much of the day. I prepared a vegetable version and a turkey version. I bought turkey thighs and legs and roasted them in the oven for the base of my turkey stock…that alone was enough to send Turkey Day aromas wafting throughout. While I waited Continue reading

Turkey Day Approaches: Beginning Preparations

Roasted Turkey fresh from the oven!

It’s a bit dreary here at home today. It’s raining; the temperatures are finally a tad cooler, though not as low as I’d prefer. However, it is closer to boot-wearing weather than sandal-wearing weather so you won’t hear me complain (too much!).

We have been traveling a lot the past few weeks. It was a refreshing change of pace to spend time in two of my favorite cities: Washington DC and New York City (seriously, who doesn’t love NY??). We also Continue reading

Bread Baking with Sourdough Starter: Lula Rises!


Bread. Who doesn’t love bread??

Bread has such esteem in this world that it is often the tongue-in-cheek term for money. Valuable. Necessary. And the process of making it – the mixing, the kneading, the shaping – is soul enhancing. The kneading alone is an excellent way to work through angst and anger and frustrations. That in itself is enough of a reason for me to bake bread.

Bread is a miracle worker. Continue reading

My #1 Tip for Cooking Anything: Include the Kitchen Sink


I have one thing I do in the kitchen that helps me stay on task and keeps me organized: I ALWAYS start with a sink full of hot, soapy water. I learned this trick from the days when I followed FlyLady. It is what keeps me sane no matter what I have going on. It could be as simple as preparing tonight’s dinner or as complicated as catering for a party for 75 people.

Any cooking, for me, begins with Continue reading